Waxmyrtle Campground, Oregon
September 26-27, 2009
This was our last campout of the season, and unfortunately the weather on Saturday was cold and very windy. We walked to the beach, and it was beautiful, but the wind was blowing so hard, it was like a sandstorm.
Saturday night, I came down with a horrible cold and fever that I later determined was the Swine Flu. It knocked me flat. Sunday turned out gorgeous: sunny and warm, no wind. But I couldn't even enjoy it. Could barely stay awake while Kate packed us up and drove us home.

The campground itself is actually very nice. Open, spacious sites and lots of them. Far enough away from the beach that there's a good wind shield and it's a bit sunnier. A nice walk to the beach.
Warning, though: a nearby campground across the slough was swarming with ATV's. I'm not sure if they are allowed directly on the beach or just have access to nearby dunes.