Whistler's Bend
Roseburg, Oregon
April 14-15, 2012
We had tickets to Oregon Wildlife Safari in Winston and plans to meet our neighbors there on Sunday. The weather was decent that weekend, so we decided to get the teardrop out of the garage and camp somewhere near Roseburg the night before.
We found Whistler's Bend county park, which ha a nice little campground on the Umpqua River. That early in the season, it was pretty quiet, so we had lots of space between us and others. The river was wild from the rain-trodden spring, so Bailey couldn't go swimming, but there was plenty of space for her to romp.
It was wonderful to just spend some time in the sun and relax, after a very wintery March.

Oregon Wildlife Safari
After breakfast, we packed up and met our neighbor friends (Kathleen, Kate, and four-year-old Maddie) at Wildlife Safari, where we had wonderful time viewing animals.
We had wonderful up-close adventures with cheetahs, hippos, grizzly bears, giraffes, and many more.