Hood River, Oregon
August 28-29, 2010
Driving home from Twin Lakes, Idaho at the end of our trip, we were just too tired to make it all the way. So we stopped a few hours short, at the Cascade Locks KOA near Hood River. We don't usually camp at KOA's, but after so many nights at campgrounds without flush toilets or showers, Kate was ready for a more suburban camping experience. (Even though we had just had two nights in a comfy bed with showers at Kathy's parents' cabin.)
We did appreciate the showers, and the flush toilets, and even the internet. The one downside was being very close to railroad tracks and, apparently, a place where all passing trains are required to blast their whistles. There were a few heart-pounding wakeups in the night before we tired enough to sleep through the nocturnal noise.
The next morning, we decided to cap off our trip with the luxury of a breakfast out. Hood River is a very quaint town, re-oriented to tourists since windsailing on the Columbia River became a big draw in the last decade. So there were many cute shops and restaurants. We chose an outdoor table at the historic Hood River Hotel (where Bailey could join us) and thoroughly enjoyed our Eggs Benedict and blintzes.

See also Columbia Gorge
and Maryhill.