Beachside State Park, Oregon
May 23-25, 2014
Our friends made these reservations at Beachside State Park for all of us for Memorial Day Weekend, and they managed to get what we considered to be the best two sites: 31 and 32. The sites are large and fairly private, on a small loop at the end with little traffic. They don't overlook the beach but are just a few steps from it. Site 32 even has two picnic tables.

We arrived Friday evening in cold rain and were feeling grumpy as we put up the canopy over the teardrop. But Saturday morning, the sun was out and it proved to be a beautiful day.
After a long walk on the sunny beach, we visited nearby Beaver Creek Natural Area, where Kate and I canoed peaceful canals through marshland.

Sunday started out nice and we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast and beach walk. After lunch we drove up to Seal Rock Beach, but it turned cloudy and the wind was so strong we eventually realized that we weren't really enjoying ourselves.
We still had one more night paid for at the campground, but rain was predicted for the night, so in the afternoon we decided to duck out early and pack it up while the packing was dry.