Mount Rainier National Park, WA
July 5-7
After a quick 4th of July visit with friends in Tieton, Washington, we drove to Mount Rainier National Park for a couple of nights camping in the mountains.
It had been quite hot in the eastern valley and the cooler mountain air was so welcome. Actually, the weather was perfect. Low 80s in the daytime and 60s at night. It felt like a little paradise that we had found.

We entered the park via the southeast entrance and went to the first campground in, Ohanaprecosh. We arrived about 2:00 and with no reservations on a holiday weekend, we really lucked out with the great campsite we got. It was large and shady and on a far loop, away from the chaos of family reunions and children racing bicycles. All of our neighbors were quiet and friendly, and it made for an ideal retreat.

The down side to camping in a national park is that dogs are not allowed on any of the trails. So our hiking possibilities were limited. Our first morning there, while it was still cool, we left Bailey in the campsite and went on a 90-minute hike from the campground to a gorgeous waterfall. It was well worth the hike, even if we had to rush back to make sure Bailey was okay. (She was fine.)

After lunch, we drove up to Sunrise, the highest point that can be reached by car. We got to romp in snow in 80 degree weather and eat ice cream.
The next day, we drove through the west part of the park on our way home and stopped at Paradise, another beautiful overlook with a great lodge and Visitors Center.
Highs: Great weather, great neighbors, flush toilets, huge site with hammock trees, waterfall hike.
Lows: Half-hour wait to get through the park entrance to get to Sunrise. (The park was too full.) No dogs allowed on the trails. No showers.
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