Emerald Pools
in Zion National Park
September 20, 2008
Our second day in Zion, we dropped Bailey off at Lynne's RV and took the shuttle into the park. We got off at the Zion Lodge shuttle stop and hiked the long trail to Emerald Pools.
As for pools and waterfalls, Zion's got nothing on Oregon (especially this time of year). But the cliffs and views were gorgeous, and the weather was perfect. Warm and balmy, drifting clouds to keep it from being too hot.


We hiked the longer of the pools trails, stopping for a picnic lunch by the Middle Pool. And we enjoyed viewing a few small wild creatures, including a tarantula right on the trail!
Afterwards, we took the shuttle to the end of the road and waded around in the river.
On the ride back, the driver pointed out rock climbers, tiny as ants, clinging to the mountains. It takes most climbers three to five days to get to the top, and they have to sleep in slings on the cliffs.
Hiking the Narrows
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